Artofstance 2012 – A Look Back
Our 2012 year started small. Back in February we were at less than 600 likes on our Facebook page. It still boggles my mind how far we’ve come in the past year and we thank everyone one of our fans! We gave our readers a glimpse of the amount of work that automotive photographers do for a photoshoot. Here’s a look back at our 2012 year.

We featured a S15 all the way from New Zealand with some great photos from photographer Alex Leben. Nissan S15 From New Zealand

In March, we started to get busy with the coverage of automotive events in the Pacific Northwest. First up was the Golden Gardens meet in Washington State hosted by our friends at StanceWars and NW-Built. Golden Gardens Coverage.

The week after was the Revscene Spring Meet held at Spanish Banks. A sneak preview of bigger things to come at the Revscene Summer Meet.

Later in the month was Nissan Fest at Evergreen Speedway. There was the standard car show with hot cars from the northwest as well as a drift event. It was the first time, Richard and I shot a drift event. Needless to say it was a blast and gave us some good practice for Formula D later in the summer. We took so many photos that we had to split it up into three posts. Nissanfest Part 1 Nissanfest Part 2 Nissanfest Part 3

We finally opened up an online shop where our readers could pick up some artofstance stickers!

We featured a pair of Mazda RX-7s. Rotary Powered.

I checked out a vintage Japanese car meet which was fortunately near a VW/Euro car meet. 2 for 1, what a deal!

Stuffed JDM vs Euro Meet. Yeah..I don’t know what Stuffed means either but it was a great turnout of cars.

Circuit Garage Meet at Cypress.

We featured a beautiful Volvo S60R. And an Audi A5 coupe.

June was a great month because we celebrated our one year anniversary with our friends, The Speed Syndicate. We’re looking forward to our second anniversary in 2013 with our friends and fans.
Artofstance Anniversary BBQ with The Speed Syndicate.

I took a trip down to Washington with our friends Static|Captains for the annual Leavenworth Drive.

July was another busy month of us. We covered Waterwerks, StanceWars, and Formula Drift (Part 2).

I got to shoot Kenneths Datsun 240z before he sold it =(. Datsun 240z.

The local automotive community got together for Connors Day to show our support for a little boy in the UK.

We did two features in October of a turbocharged Mazda 3 and a VIP Lexus GS300.

One of our good friends, Stephanie was fortunate enough to visit the Nurburgring and do a couple of laps. Lucky for us she took photos! Later on she also got to drive around Silverstone in a GTR. Artofjealousy

We did our last car feature in November with David’s Skyline GTS-T Type M.

It was a great year for us and we grew a lot in readership. We’ve met many new friends along the way and got to work with some old ones! In 2013, we’ll probably be shifting our focus to more car features and photoshoots. We’re looking forward to the upcoming year and giving our cameras a good workout. Thanks for coming along for the ride! Happy New Year everyone!